Virtual Conference:
Developing, assessing and validating transversal key competences
in the formal initial and continuing vocational education and training
- the experiences and solutions of 6 European countries
Place and Date: 24 November 2020 Warsaw, 9.00-11.30 CET (online)
Organiser: SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Conference description
During the conference, based on the analysis of solutions in Austra, France, Latvia, Poland, Norway and Slovakia, different aspects of development and assessment of transversal key competences (TKC) will be discussed: how TKC are defined and specified (explicitly and implicitly) in the VET curricula; how are the learning outcomes defined with regards to TKC; how are the TKC assessed and validated; which solutions, methods and techniques are used in the national systems (examinations, portfolios, etc.); who is responsible for designing assessment methods and techniques.
The conference targets policy-makers at the regional, national and EU levels, national agencies and key stakeholders, e.g. VET schools and other formal VET providers, employer organizations, trade unions, and branch organizations, involved in developing, assessing TKC competences in the formal IVET and CVET. But also, to researchers, academicians, learners and other groups interested in VET-policies nationally and in Europe.
The link to the conference will be sent to registered participants. The conference will be organised with the MS Teams infrastructure. The conference will be held in English.
The conference is organised within the TRACK-VET project: “Developing, assessing and validating transversal key competences in the formal initial and continuing VET” financed by the Erasmus+ framework. For more information, see:
For more information about the conference, please contact Horacy Dębowski and Wojciech Stęchły
Online registration is closed.
Conference materials:
Video from the conference (available to participants)
Dębowski H., Stęchły W., Descriptive categories for Transversal Key Competences, TRACK-VET project: Methodological Component, June 2020
Stęchły W., Descriptions of transversal key competences and their location in curricula, in: TRACK-VET Synthesis Report, TRACK-VET project, June 2020
Dębowski H., Stęchły W., Repository of Learning Outcomes describing TKC, TRACK-VET project, June 2020