French Centre for Research on Qualifications (France) – Céreq

The French Centre for Research on Qualifications (Céreq) is a public institution acting under the aegis of both the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry for Work, Employment and Health. The Centre provides advice and proposals aimed atsupporting decision-making in the area of education and training policies at regional, national or international level.

Céreq is responsible for carrying out large scale national statistical surveys on individuals and companies. It is the French operator and analyst of longitudinal data on youth transition between education and the labour market (the so-called Generation surveys). The Centre also acts as data provider of large-scale linked employer-employee surveys.

Besides its long experience in the application of a wide array of quantitative and qualitative research methods, Céreq has competence in identification of emerging skills needs. For instance, the agency led or concurred to French skills needs analysis projects on occupations and professions related to: aeronautics, space, and their supply chains (report published in 2006), manufacturing (2008), construction sector (2008), aerospace SMEs (2008), auto repair sector (2010), transport sector (2012), chemical sector (2014). Céreq is also member of the national consultative tripartite bodies (CPCs and CPNs) working on renovation of vocational qualifications in the national qualification framework. Within the last ten years the Centre carried out research and published on European tools like EQF and ECVET. It is also involved in national working groups on EQF national implementation of and NQF reform coordinated by the French Ministry for Employment and National Commission of Vocational Qualifications (CNCP).

Céreq participates in the main programmes of the European Union and provides support missions for EU authorities like CEDEFOP or ETF. The Centre also intervenes at the request of national and international institutions for cooperation and development expertise (AFD, World Bank, ILO, etc.).

Céreq is headed by Alberto Lopez. The Board of Administration is composed of staff members, highly qualified individuals and representatives from social partners, ministries and public agencies. A Scientific Committee is in charge of evaluating the scientific consistency of services provided. The team includes 110 staff members, most of whom are research staff working at Céreq (three research units) and  regional partner network centres. Its 2016 budget was approximately 11 million €.